All Nordpeis stoves and fires are designed for wood burning only. Wood is an environmentally friendly fuel; when burnt, the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere is approximately the same as that absorbed by the tree during growth. It is also a renewable resource, particularly when derived from plantations and cultivated woodland.
For optimum results, we recommend logs should be seasoned for 2 years or more to achieve a moisture content below 20%. This will not only give twice the output of freshly felled timber but will also help to avoid a build up of tar in your flue. Furthermore, if you can obtain hardwood logs this is better still, as they will have a greatly increased calorific value compared to softwoods.
Your Nordpeis retailer will provide you with a Five Year Warranty for your new wood burning stove or fire.
Nordpeis was established almost 30 years ago and we have been proudly incorporating our heritage and time honoured traditions into our exquisite stoves and fires ever since.
Nordpeis products are only available through our network of experienced independent retailers who can help you select the most appropriate product for your home.